Arc really needs bookmarklet support for me to use it more than just casually. Hopefully they pan on adding it.
This is hilarious. Goncharov is a Martin Scorsese film starring Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Gene Hackman, Harvey Keitel, and Cybill Shepard that doesn’t exist. The Tumblr tag will take you down the rabbit hole.
I cannot wait for the hell to rain down on Ticketmaster from Swifties. They will get Congress to investigate Ticketmaster. They have to be afraid right now.
I wish Reeder had a way to easily manage subscriptions synced with iCloud. I’d like to delete everything and start fresh but there doesn’t seem to be a way to do this. Even removing the iCloud account doesn’t delete the feeds saved in iCloud.
A cold day calls for a Mississippi Pot Roast in the slow cooker all day.
Trying out a new feed reading workflow. Using iCloud with NetNewsWire instead of Feedbin and Reeder. I like it so far. Feed refreshing seems quick. I’d like to get rid of one of my yearly subscriptions and this might just do it.
It’s finally cold enough to wear the ATP Chicken Hat. It’s quite warm.
I really love that I can follow and interact with Mastodon users on
I rented I’m Totally Fine. I enjoyed it. Great performances by Jillian Bell and Natalie Morales. 🍿
Watching Weird: The Al Yankovic Story. Love all the cameos and fake biopic story.
If anyone is looking for a Mastodon instance, has one for members, along with many other fun services.
New Shortcut for Mac and iOS: Follow Mastodon User on Source: Robb Knight -
This is pretty neat, especially as more people set up Mastodon accounts.
I watched Barbarian. What a movie. If you like horror, give it a shot, but do not read anything about it beforehand. 🍿
I replayed Haven Park today for a relaxing afternoon. I forgot about the gut punch at the end. 🎮
This game has been out for a long time, but I’ve been playing Sky: Children of the Light on the Switch a lot this week. It’s such a relaxing game with great music from the makers of Journey. What’s really nice is that it is free to play. 🎮