A Warriors concept album from Lin-Manuel Miranda? Sure, why not.

The WordPress drama is crazy, but not at all surprising.

The 4K feed of the MLB playoffs is crisp. Sure would be nice if MLS season pass had 4K.

This afternoon’s record is Deltron 3030.

Deltron 3030 on vinyl

I’ve never watched The Jetsons as an adult. I do not recommend it. I was scanning antenna channels and found a channel showing it so I turned it on. The entire episode is about Jane getting her license and about how bad lady drivers are. Wow.

My sisters and me at my cousin’s wedding.

My sisters and me at my cousin’s wedding.

The Sports live activities (top) is so much better than MLB’s (bottom). That’s kind of embarrassing for MLB.

Screen shot of live activities where the Sports app shows more information and looks better than MLB’s live activity.

A hawk chased a bird to my balcony. The bird hit the wood with a thud so loud that it sounded like a gunshot. I look down it looked like a crime scene. Dead bird with a puddle of blood forming under its head. Hawk watched me clean it up from the garage roof.

1Password has really turned into an app I loathe. What a downfall for a once great app. If it wasn’t for my work, I’d happily leave it forever.

I really wish you could watch In Living Color somewhere.

Woke up to a new Cunninlynguists song, Forever. What a great surprise.


James Earl Jones in field of dreams.

On iOS, you can set Tailscale to automatically turn on when you leave your WiFi network. This allows me to still use Pi-hole away from home.

I’m not sure what the micro.blog integration in Reeder. does. I added my account but nothing shows under it.

I love a good diss track.

Overcast has been deleting episodes at random. How funny that it just happened to ATP while I was listening to it.

Put together a Raspberry Pi 5 and installed Pi Hole and have it up and running in about 30 minutes. Neat.

My Firewalla died after less than two years. I was gambling on the high upfront cost hoping that over time it would be more economical to SaaS options. I lost. While I did love it while it was working, I cannot recommend that anyone buy one unless you’re prepared to buy a new one every couple years.

At least once a month, Microsoft Teams tells me that the app is damaged and must be moved to the trash and I have to do a fresh install each time. Microsoft is awesome.