Vinyl has arrived.

Playing with a new toy.

Another classic game for the DVR.

It’s a good week for Angel Hernandez and the integrity of umpires.

Now Playing: Vampire Weekend - Only God Was Above Us. 🎵

Definitely recording this.

Quadbox going on for MLS tonight.

Today’s record is A Tribe Called Quest’s Anthology.

New record.

I may have to purchase this.

Now playing Monk’s Dream by Thelonious Monk.

Got some records today.

Blast from St. Louis beer past.

I love this hat.

This tracks.

These dudes are just nerds that never stopped cosplaying. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.

I’m having fun playing with the virtual channels feature in Channels. I’m basically recreating the cable of my youth.

I have not been this excited for an album in a long time. Already predicting it will land in my top 10 of all time list. Now listening to the album Sick Boi by Ren. 🎵

Soccer time with dad. Let’s go CITY!