The chase scenes in the new Indiana Jones were too long and too fake. Other than that, I though it was fun. ๐Ÿฟ

The “New” Teams app uses macOS’s built in notification system for notifications. I’m usually all for integrating with the OS, but not a fan of using the system notifications for chat responses.

I’ve spoken to people on the phone twice today and purchased stamps. I haven’t even been 40 for even 6 months. It comes at you fast.

I got my Lectric bike today. I havenโ€™t ridden a bike in 20 years and already have 8 miles under my belt today.

Now listening to GUTS by Olivia Rodrigo. ๐ŸŽต

Olivia Rodrigo GUTS album cover

Apparently spam email also changes once you hit 40. I used to get hot single women in my area emailing me all the time. Now I only get free drills and other power tools.

The toxic work environment stories about Jimmy Fallon and The Tonight Show don’t surprise me. What surprises me is that anyone would think they could still get away with this type of behavior after all the other articles done on other shows. Just be kind.

Apple TV has released an 8 Hour Work Day Innie Mix for Severance fans. ๐Ÿ“บ

I’m so glad I pay for YouTube premium so I can get giant pop up ads for the NFL on a service I don’t pay for or use. ๐Ÿ™„

I went to bed last night after closing my Mintbook with almost a full battery. Wake up this morning to a 9% charge. Plugged it in and after about 20 minutes it still said 9%. Rebooted the machine and now it’s at 98% (so I’m guessing it was really never at 9% to begin with). Linux is fun sometimes.

Coming soonโ€ฆ

Lectric e-bike welcome letter

Iโ€™ve entered the old person candy era of my life. Yesterday, I had some Boston Baked Beans. Today it was Sno-Caps.

I’m so close to purchasing the Lectric XP 3.0 Step-Thru Long-Range ebike. Before I do, does anyone out there have horror stories that would make me want to stay away?

Saved by the Bell: The New Class is so bad. It was such a cash grab. So many reused story lines and clip show episodes. They even have clip shows with clips from the original series in them because they have so many clip show episodes. ๐Ÿ“บ

Now listening to the album 99 Nights by Charlotte Cardin. ๐ŸŽต

You can only get The Distinguished Gentleman on DVD. It’s not available for download or streaming anywhere. Good thing I still have my DVD copy and ripped it. ๐Ÿฟ

I would love an open world Batman game set in art deco Gotham City that focused more on detective work than combat. ๐ŸŽฎ

My dog dreams on a regular basis, but last night was ridiculous. He woke me up four separate times making noises in his sleep while dreaming.

This has been a really long week and it’s only Wednesday. At least I’m off on Friday. Also, I’m done with this heat. I’m ready for fall.

T-Mobileโ€™s 5G is faster than my 1 Gbps plan with Spectrum.

Speed test result on T-Mobile showing downloads faster than 1 gig