MLS really needs to add RSS to their site. There are some writers I would read more regularly if I could subscribe. Iโ€™d even settle for integration with Apple News, which is baffling that itโ€™s not there already.

If you’re looking for a fun Animal Crossing-style game, check out Hello Kitty Island Adventure on Apple Arcade. Hits the same notes as Animal Crossing with crafting and lots of quests and works great with an Xbox controller on the Apple TV. ๐ŸŽฎ

RKO 281 is one of my favorite movies about Hollywood despite only seeing Citizen Kane once back in a high school film class. I think it’s time to give Citizen Kane another viewing. ๐Ÿฟ

Trying to unpair and repair my Apple Watch to see if that resolves the battery issues I’ve been having since 9.6. I’m not expecting it to work, but it’s worth a shot.

People make fun of recipe sites for telling you the entire history of each ingredient and the chef before the actual recipe. Entertainment sites are just as bad. Want to find out if there is a post-credit scene in a movie? Prepare to read the entire history of cinema before they tell you.

I loved Jason Snell’s article on how the iMac saved Apple. I never had one of those iMacs, but I wanted one. My first Mac was the white plastic Macbook. I was too cheap to shell out another $50 for the black one.

I have the new Xbox dashboard. In order to use the new background feature, where it puts game art as the background, you have to set your background back to the default and then it will work.

I really loved this Most Iconic Hip-Hop Sample of Every Year (1973-2023) video. Hat tip Kottke.

Oceanhorn 2 is a fun little Zelda-style game that just came out on the Xbox.

I’ve been watching Saved by the Bell: The New Class for the first time. Here’s how I’ll sum up my thoughts: I love the original despite how bad it is, I love The New Class because of how bad it is. ๐Ÿ“บ

There is a Saved by the Bell channel on Prime Video’s Live TV feature. It’s amazing how we’ve progressed as a society. ๐Ÿ“บ

I’ve been using NetNewsWire and iCloud for RSS syncing. The problem with that is I want something that will sync on Linux too. Luckily, my shared hosting plan has plenty of resources so I was able to install FreshRSS to use as a sync backend. Now I can sync with a Linux feed reader, like News Flash.

On this date in 1988, Zero Cool is fined for crashing 1,507 computer systems, which caused a seven-point drop in the New York Stock Exchange. In honor of the anniversary, I’ll be watching the documentary Hackers tonight.

I love history and I love hip hop so I loved reading about how an East St. Louis radio station made history by playing Rapper’s Delight.

I Love My Mintbook Pro

I have a 2015 Macbook Pro that I wasn’t doing anything with and it’s no longer supported by Apple. I decided, since it is “the year of Linux on the desktop”, I’d experiment with Linux again.

One of my biggest problems with Linux over the years (back when I was still a PC person) was trying to get hardware to work with it and the UX is typically an afterthought. In the years since I first experimented with Linux, things have changed drastically. Hardware support, even for Apple hardware, has improved over the years. The UX, especially for my chosen distro, Linux Mint, has drastically improved as well.

So I’m basically a week into using Linux Mint on my Macbook Pro. I did take a brief detour with both Ubuntu and Pop_OS, but found them to run into the same performance issues and issues with waking my Macbook from sleep. Nothing I found online helped, so I quickly went back to Mint, which runs blazing fast on this machine. In fact, it nowruns faster with Mint than it did on macOS. I also haven’t had any hardware issues with Mint with the exception of needing to install some firmware via the command line to get the Facetime camera to work (which I never use anyway).

Prior to installing Linux on what I now call my Mintbook Pro, the machine was just sitting in a corner collecting dust. Now this machine has a whole new life ahead of it. If you have a spare machine, why not give it a shot?

I’ve been using Callsheet from Casey Liss for a few months on the beta. I love it. I deleted the IMDB app from my phone, that’s how good Callsheet is.

I tried out the latest LTS of Ubuntu and Pop_OS and they both ran into the same issue with waking from sleep that I could not figure out. Performance was also diminished. Back to Mint. It’s amazing how much snappier it feels.

I love comedian Paul F. Tompkins and his appearance on the podcast Good One, explaining his famous “Peanut Brittle” bit, is fantastic. If you like comedy give it a listen.