I’m so close to purchasing the Lectric XP 3.0 Step-Thru Long-Range ebike. Before I do, does anyone out there have horror stories that would make me want to stay away?

I have their original bike and it's been great. Very solid. I see that they've upgraded the brakes to hydraulic disk brakes. I think those can be a bit more of a hassle to service but they've become the norm. I'm not even sure if you can get many new bikes without them. @khurtwilliams also has a Lectric and may chime in.

if you’re already familiar with the pitfalls of e-bikes in general (not many really) then no, no horror stories specific about that model. I have one, and apart from typical maintenance (flats, brake adj.), no issues. And I like the form better than my old one as far as handling goes.

@bkryer thanks for the info! What are the pitfalls of e-bikes, in your opinion?

@Denny Without a slew of disclaimers and category narrowing and all that, I would say vulnerability is the biggest, perhaps unconsidered, pitfall of e-bikes.
A flat on an e-bike means pushing a 70lb bike, usually with a very uncooperative snarled up tire, back to wherever you must. Even with walk assist it is an endurance test. Add an incline and groceries and now it’s an Uber ride (if the bike is foldable).
You are faster and quieter than anyone else in a lot of urban traffic (30mph max) and will suffer more than anything you hit or that hits you. Have a horn or bell (or yell!) and probably wear a helmet if you’re in traffic a lot.
Constant innovation and market pressures keep prices dropping and pushing features to become standards (e.g. hydro brakes), which is great overall but means you benefit from knowing what you want to do with it before you buy, cuz resale is probably limited, at least in the low end.
My scenario is one in which: the glider is my main transportation vehicle, so it must be serviceable; the terrain here is mostly gentle and visually predictable (long desert views); and, I am a fairly fit, adventurous, and experienced pilot.
Good luck with your adventures!

@bkryer Some excellent points! Concerning flats, two things I'd suggest. Get some tube slime. Only takes 10 - 20 minutes to put it in your tubes. It may not always work 100% but on more than one occassion it slowed or stopped a leak due to a puncture well enough that I was able to get home and fix it. Also, consider keeping an extra tube with you and the needed tools to fix... possibly a wrench and a couple tire levers. If you've not done this before watch a couple YouTubes. Practice at home.
All that said the knobby fat tires that come with most of these bikes are fairly durable and though they're not puncture proof I've found them to be more resistant than the typical bike tire.

@Denny tis true. Slime works a treat and I think lectric actually pre-fills on some models...and re home repair, I just reckon with a visit to my bike lab, new/repaired tube and 20 bucks in hand 🤕🥹🥳
And just to take it one step further, any opinion on those bigger liners (Tannus)? I installed a pair on my old bike on the day it was later stolen (yeah, life, right?) so I couldn't form an opinion and haven't taken the plunge on the new one yet, and might not for various reasons...

@Denny I would be happy to skip the extra weight (and expense). I'm running a front 20x3" and back 20x4" with slime. It feels nice, a little sloppy but not too sloppy, and this might be enough...more as it develops.
And one other thing: having one of those cans of instant foam flat fix isn't a terrible idea.

Excellent! I'm sure you'll love it. Looking forward to a ride report!