Opening Day is Thursday which means my movie playlist for the week is going to consist of baseball movies. The Sandlot, Field of Dreams, Major League 1 and 2, 8 Men Out, 61*, 42.

Now playing: Elton John - Diamonds

Now playing: Elton John - Diamonds on vinyl

A new Redman ft Method Man song and new Wu-Tang Clan song? My old-ass is happy.

There’s a Step by Step rewatch podcast (because of course there is) with the actors that played Dana and Al. I may be addicted to it.

Now Playing: Huey Lewis and The News - Collected.

Huey Lewis and the News Collected on vinyl

There are just some universal truths in life. The sky is blue, grass is green, and Inter Miami are the biggest bunch of crybabies.

First bike ride of the season under my belt. A short and easy 5 mile route and my legs feel like jelly. I love it.

If you feel guilty about having garlic cheese bread for dinner, just think of it as an open-faced grilled cheese sandwich.

Now playing Vampire Weekend.

Vampire weekend album on vinyl.

I need some kind of audio plugin that adds fake AM radio static to Cardinals streaming radio broadcasts.

Listening to baseball on the radio and looking forward to City playing tonight. So glad winter is almost over.

I accidentally open live activities when swiping them away more than I intentionally open live activities.

I’ve been using Pocket Casts for a bit because of playback issues in Overcast. I thought it was temporary, but Pocket Casts’ search may have won me over. So much better than Overcast.

All of these 50th Anniversary specials for SNL really has me feeling nostalgic for my childhood. So many good memories of watching SNL with my family.

Playing around with Zen Browser. I like that it’s based on Firefox and not Chromium.

I’m enjoying the new theme I set up on my Mintbook.

screen shot of my Linux Mint desktop on my old Macbook Pro

I’ve been playing with Tapestry. I have one timeline set up for my social accounts and one set up for RSS feeds. I think I like it. I may set another timeline for YouTube feeds.

Incubus is touring and playing Morning View in its entirety. That is tempting. Really, really tempting.

I used to give Spectrum a lot of crap, but I really can’t complain about these speeds anymore.

speedtest showing almost 1gbps down and over 700mbps up

After ignoring a drive app for Linux, praising fascists, and now expanding to the grifter side of the internet with Bitcoin, I think it’s definitely time to ditch Proton.

proton wallet